This Week in Cognitive Psychology Class

 This week our fifth lab project was a bit different than our previous ones. This week, we were given an experiment to collect data for outside of class. The experiment was our version of The Deese- Roediger-McDermott (DRM) Task. For our purposes we only measured recall. I will not deep dive into this experiment as to not give it away, but if you're interested, here's the link to the DRM.

    For my data collection, I used my roommate, a friend and my mom as my three participants. It was funny because they all asked me if the experiment would tell me if they were crazy (no), and if I was going to use the data to psychoanalyze them (also no). 

    Although this week's lab was different from all of the others, it was fun to actually collect data and work with real participants, like we'd normally do in experimental psych class (RIP experimental psych spring semester 2020).


  1. I checked out the DRM and it seems really interesting! It reminded me of a test we took in high school that was similar. Although a lot of this information is not very relevant to things I have learned, it is always exciting to see someone that gets to do something new and exciting within their major. I hope your experiments went well!

  2. This sounds like an interesting topic! And it's great that you find data collection and running an experiment so exciting. Hopefully you'll have more opportunities similar to this in your upcoming weekly labs!


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