Chapter 9 and 10 Reading Analysis
It's hard to believe that this was the end of all of our reading for this semester. It has gone by incredibly fast, it seems like this semester just started! I have learned so much over this short yet long semester. Before I get sentimental and existential, let's dive into the final chapters.
Chapters 9 and 10 of "Social Media for Strategic Communication" are the last two chapters that we'll be covering in class. Titled "Creating, Managing, and Curating Content" and "Measurement, Evaluation, Budget, and Calendar," respectively, these chapters tie a lot of ideas in from previous chapters.
Chapter 9 discusses what content marketing is, tools to create content, and how to curate that content. Some of the things that stood out to me were examples of different organizations' content strategies. For example, Humans of New York focuses on images that tell a story, along with a short update paragraph. I also like how it goes over the PESO model (paid, earned, shared, owned), since it's such an important concept.
Chapter 10 discusses the importance of measurement and evaluation, budgeting and metrics. some key standouts for me was the introduction of this chapter with a "Humans of Social Media," which featured the chief technology officer at Blitzmetrics, who is from Dayton, Ohio! I thought that was pretty cool. In addition, I liked the table given about the different types of paid metrics. It's nice to have all of them in one spot where you can see the differences between them.
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